1164 Euclid Ave
Berkeley, CA 94708


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Donald Bender is a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in clinical and forensic statement analysis. While at UC Berkeley he studied linguistic philosophy with Paul Grice and John Searle. During his graduate work at the University of Chicago he was a student of Paul Ricoeur in narrative theory. He was trained in the S.C.A.N. technique (Scientific Content Analysis) by Avinoam Sapir, and has completed the Level 2 practicum, which is LSI's most advanced training level in the methodology of forensic content analysis. In addition he has completed the Reid Institute's advanced training in interrogation technique with special emphasis on suspected child abuse interviewing. Besides his expertise in the S.C.A.N. approach, he brings to statement analysis a wide variety of other resources including cognitive psychology, semiotics, discourse analysis, structural exegesis, projective testing, cognitive interviewing, forensic hypnosis, and Criteria Based Content Analysis.

Bender Donald


1164 Euclid AveBerkeley, CA 94708
